Lovette ♥ Life

Lovette ♥ Life
Being an ordinary girl, I'm leading my life in my own way =)

Friday, August 27, 2010

♥ Love is ... ♥

Love is...

- ♥ Love is a skill - Love is a way of life - Love is an attitude ♥ -

But, this time I have to say...

Love is Nothing

Sometimes I wonder, why most of us are suffering from the boys-girls relationship matter? Even myself would feel lost whenever I feel lonely and isolated, I was thinking :

" Love is nothing?


Love is really a thing for me?"

Yea, I admit, everyone needs ♥ LOVE

Love from...

♥ Parents

♥ Lovers

♥ Friends


* P/S : LOL ♥ I love them and THEY love me (I think)

I'm the kind of girl who needs someone (I mean Lover) to care about me, love me, take care me, and then, easily falling in love with someone, LOL =D (I'm changing this bad habit ^^)

Erhem, I mean I do have a sensitive and caring heart, but I ain't a PLAYGIRL, I don't play with boys-girls relationship, this matter really needs some RESPECT ♥ I really hate those who played girls and boys, and simply dump them away whenever they have new lovers. Urghh~ I should say they 'LIKE' not 'LOVE', they don't even know what does the word 'LOVE' actually mean...

My sister's friend just met a boy like this recently, OMG, the guy is sucks and he is such an IDIOT! Hey, you shouldn't treat the girl like this! You thought you are so so attractive and able to play girls is it? You are so so WRONG! The girl was so hurt and she really took their relationship stuff as a serious matter, * sigh * pitiful girl~ Cheer up ♥ Baby!

Then, for boys - SOME boys - they keep 'changing' new girlfriends, it's like something that can show how good they are in flirting and dating with girls, OMG, it's just something that shows how silly you are, my friend!! They broke up with someone, and falling in love with another one the next day... Wow~ They can 'recover' so so soon... LOL =D They thought they can't live without LOVE, hey hey, this is so wrong!

I mean...

♥ Love is Nothing ♥ (I mean the Love from LOVERS)

Love is nothing so big deal~ Some would die for love and even hurt themselves just because they say they LOVE someone...

Love is just a thing that makes your life more interesting and colourful ♥ You don't have to die for it! Don't ever hurt yourself please~

For me,

Love can be a thing and we should really appreciate it when we have someone who loves you ♥

But if you are single or just broke up with yours one, don't give up your life so easily, you should tell yourself : " LOVE IS NOTHING! "

♥ Love Yourself, Love Your Life ♥

We should respect LOVE and others, don't be a PLAYBOY or PLAYGIRL ♥

Learn to Love yourself, before you learn to Love others~

Arghhhhhh... It's kinda funny when I keep saying : " LOVE IS NOTHING
" ,
and at the same time saying : " RESPECT LOVE " , LOL =P

What I wanna say is :

We should respect LOVE and don't play with it, ♥ Take It Serious Please ♥

But when you loss your loved one, ♥ Love Is Nothing ♥ and you don't have to suffer from this matter.

♥ Cheers ♥

With Love, ♥ G.ah ♥


* Love yourself ♥ Love your life *

(Love angles, I need some Love btw... =P )

Bla bla bla~

Friday, August 6, 2010

我的那杯茶 ♥

上阵子,死党阿武带着我们几个乡下出来的三八到一间普通住宅占卜塔罗牌,我们都是第一次玩这个咧 ♥ 呵呵,感觉不错啊,真神奇~

占卜师是一个中年妇女,说了好多关于每个人的运程,都还蛮准的 ♥

关于我的,她嘛,说了蛮多东西,有准亦有不准之处,哈哈...阿武和其他三八们说这些东西不能尽信呐,可是我会蛮相信的呢,可能是一种自我安慰的想法啦,呵呵,没办法,胆小自卑嘛 (一点点) ♥ 呵呵~




我要讲的不是这些啦,差点离题呢 O.o

回归正题 ♥

占卜师讲关于我的那杯茶倒是蛮准的耶 =) 她说啊:










对啦,我的那杯茶真的是那样的,有教养、斯文有礼、顾家好男人、温柔贴心的啦;样貌嘛,不太重要,顺眼耐看有气质就好 (以我的眼光为标准) ♥ 呵呵...

1. 我的阿茶一定要有教养 ♥

...不是开口就先问候人家祖宗十八代的那种,最怕那种男生了啦~什么吊你、X漆你之类的,真想说“冷静点啦,朋友~” =.= 虽然有时男生会 情不自禁 地爆粗 (我明白,呵呵),可是偶尔 不小心 讲了几句脏话,那还好,哈哈 =D (这是为了配合我打死不讲脏话但很气很气时却不小心讲出 ‘SHIT’ ‘顶’ 这两句脏话, *-_-* 羞~)

2. 我的阿茶一定要温柔体贴 ♥

...在我安静的时候会主动找我讲话啦 (基本上我是很懒惰开口讲话) 然后会贴心地照顾我一下 (一下就好,因为大家姐我习惯照顾人,哈哈哈,最好互相照顾对方 =D ) 我不爽时要任我发泄然后装凶骂我一下 (才能平衡我的心情嘛) 我傻傻的时候就配合我傻一下然后又凶凶D骂回我 (阻止我继续丢脸) 这样才是温柔体贴~

3. 我的阿茶一定要顾家 ♥

...这是好男人准则之一呢!顾家好男人最正了啦,事业有成之余又会照顾家人、爱老婆子女,呜呜 T.T 太感动了,好男人啊~ (就像我爸爸 =D ) 要爱老婆 (我) 及孩子,当然还有我的家人及阿茶的家人 (至少学会尊重长辈) 呵呵,我喜欢这样的男生 =)


阿茶阿茶,你在哪里啊?等着你呢 “ ♥ ” 虽然现在我忙着考试,可是啊,爱神丘比特,我也希望我的阿茶快出现呐,因为占卜师说啊,就算我谈恋爱,也不会影响学业的~ (这点我蛮相信的) 呵呵~




‘ ♥ ’ 希望我的阿茶快点出现~ Praying...

大家姐 ♥ 致理名言

大家姐 (即本人) ♥ 致爱一些有道理得来又很体面的名句 -- 即那些被俗人称为“歪理”的名言。


"我的钱是我的,你的钱也是我的..." ( 我最爱讲 )

"是你的就是你的,不是你的强行也会是你的。双方没有男女朋友,就算有也没有结婚,结了婚又怎样,还可以离婚。离了婚还得不到的话,反正对方没死,还没死就有机会。就算死了也没关系,尸体总可以属于你..." ( =.= 虽然有一点偏激 )

"人不贱,不健康。" ( 要来讽刺别人的啦 )

"猪,你是幸运的,因为你拥有猪的智慧,如果你不小心接受了人的思想,那遍地都是猪八戒了。" ( 都说把别人称为猪是一种赞美的啦~ 可是,我并不适合被别人这么样子来赞美我,呵呵 O.o )

"艳阳高照,是应该晒一晒心事的..." ( 俗称: 晒命 )

"做人不能太闪亮,也不能太黑暗,重要的是低调就好。" ( 低调 - 低调 - 低调得来又要带有一点高调~ )

"自由是每个人的权力。" ( 当我要反抗恶势力可用的着 )

"珍爱生命,远离足球。" ( 经过足球场是最佳心情写照 )

1. 与他人吵架时,作为反驳的理由 ( 信心满满地顶嘴,必胜! ♥ )
2. 教唆他人时,作为半哄半骗的理由 ( 信誓旦旦的拍胸口保证,必胜! ♥ )
3. 作奸犯科时,作为自我陶醉的理由 ( 信口开河自我安慰的性格,必胜! ♥ )

呵呵 ♥ 看吧,真有用呐~

歪理不是歪理,是常人接受不到的道理而已,哈哈 ♥

什么?! 你觉得我讲的这些是歪理?!



当这些歪理 applied 在自我陶醉、自我安慰、反驳等等的情况时,也只是一种保护自己的反射性行为啦,每个人都会这么做的嘛...所以,当我们用那些 致理名言 来 保护自己 时,我们没有错! ♥ 那些不再是所谓的歪理了,你会突然觉得那些话讲得真的很有道理、很有意思呢...



♥ 必定有效! ♥






呵呵 ♥

致理名言万岁! 万岁! 万岁! ♥

Monday, July 5, 2010

香草柠檬冰 ♥

夤夜未眠的女孩在床上辗转反侧,愁绪细如缠绵细雨的她按捺不住思念的痛苦,泪水轻轻地滑落双颊。冷冷深夜,滚烫的泪水却刺痛了女孩娇嫩的肌肤,也刺痛了女孩的心。男孩也思念着我吗? 女孩轻声地啜泣。

阒然恬谧的四周让女孩的心情更低落沉抑, 也许窗外的景致会让心情变好一些吧?女孩站了起来,攥着窗子仰望夜空,瞧见身形如弓的婵娟及一颗颗澄明闪烁的眼睛正努力地散发微光,仿佛鼓励着女孩要坚强并重新振作,别再跌入愁绪的旋涡里。女孩擦了擦脸颊上的泪水,深呼吸,悄悄踏着忧闷的步伐出门。





思念的情绪猛兽似的再次侵袭女孩脆弱的心灵,心是阴魔般的剧痛,眉头紧蹙的女孩轻揉着郁闷的胸口,百般希翼这股缠绕人心的愁绪尽快平伏。可是,女孩真的好想念男孩 -- 男孩的名字、俊容、背影……男孩的一切一切,都已牢牢地镶嵌在女孩心里,睁眼闭眼脑海里满是男孩的影像,任凭女孩如何努力仍是忘不了男孩。

自此以后,男孩再也不曾出现过,人间蒸发般消失在女孩的世界里。惊慌的女孩心急火撩地四处寻找男孩的踪迹,心里一直很担心男孩的安危。那一颗牵挂的心让女孩终日寝食难安,夜夜以泪洗脸。日前,友人经不起女孩的苦苦哀求及多番询问,终于道出男孩的苦衷 -- 那一段让人心酸落泪的故事。这时候,女孩才恍然原来细心的男孩所做的这一切竟然是为了向女孩告白情意而做的准备:与表姐出游是为了到各地区收集女孩最爱的贝壳、与表姐互动频密其实是为讨教如何打动女孩芳心的秘技……离别那一天,苦不堪言的男孩看着女孩转身离去,心里一直责怪自己的所作所为已狠狠地摧毁了女孩玻璃般轻易破碎的幼小心灵,宛如伤害了自己最珍爱疼惜的宝贝。失去了女孩,悲痛欲绝的男孩过着行尸走肉的日子,就像鱼儿失去了水、鸟儿失去了翅膀、人类躯体失去了灵魂,万物不再完美平衡,所有一切都仿佛失去了原有的生命力。日复一日,心力交瘁的男孩难熬相思之苦,不寝不食的颓废生活竟诱发了潜伏在男孩每况愈下的体内的那家族遗传性心脏病,情况危急的男孩甚至还被逼送到外国治疗,至今仍生死未卜。












悄悄地,男孩的香草柠檬冰被小心翼翼地端了上桌。杯子与桌面敲撞那婉转的铿锵声将相拥的两人分开了,服务员面露尴尬表情地快步离开了 -- 在这浓情蜜意的氛围里,谁都不愿打扰相拥的情侣,生怕干扰了他们这感动人心的一幕。


希望投稿于校刊的这篇短文能中选呢 ♥ Yee Mun Fighting!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's Our Cameron 2D1N Trip : PART 4 要回家了! =)

终于,我们要离开这里回家了... 有点舍不得呢~ 我们早上起来后便准备了最后的早餐 (Joking) -- 昨晚吃不完的统统都把它给磕了!呵呵,蛮有创意的一餐...

丰富的早餐 =)








 我和SC的毛巾在阳光下吊挂着,阳光晒进来的感觉很不错 =)

大合照 (老婆的头遮掉握了 T.T )

过后,我们大伙儿浩浩荡荡地搭乘下午的巴士回家了~我们这两天一夜的trip就这样结束了... It's such a memorable trip for me =)


It's Our Cameron 2D1N Trip : PART 3 温暖人心的晚餐 =)

到了晚餐时间喽~ =) 这当然是我们三个女生大显身手的机会啦!呵呵 =D 很明显地,我们三个女生平时都有在家做惯家务的,所以在准备晚餐的时候才没鸡手鸭脚的,都蛮顺手的 -- 从切、洗、煮到正式开餐都算得心应手,当然,还得谢谢我的‘老婆’嘉顺啦~他是唯一一个和我们挤在厨房里一起准备晚餐的男生哦,其他两位大少爷推辞说厨房太拥挤啦,容纳不到这么多人呀... 呃... 也对啦,算了,就让你们见识我们四个做惯家务的如何充分地诠释所谓的‘入得厨房,出得厅堂’的贤妻良母... 我们几个就开开心心地准备着晚餐 -- 你洗、我切、他煮的 -- 就像一家人一样 =) 好开心呀,第一次这样做的耶~ 凯宏大少在客厅里看着周星驰的“整蛊专家”,致苇就陪着他 (其实他在等着我们分配工作给他)... 终于,他找到工作做啦!!!他拿了我的相机拍这拍拿的,拍了我们就拍食物,哈哈,一副做得很开心的样子 (swt-nya...) LOL

哈!!!准备就绪之后,我们就开始把食物都丢下锅内,等着开餐喽~ 我们在吃火锅呐~~ =D

我们在准备着晚餐 =)


竟然还躺得这么舒服 O.o


食物 (我把它们称为‘料’ )


 哗~ 好sweet 哦~ (MK & KH)


还剩很多菜 =0


垃圾桶满了 = 战后成绩





 关上大门就很有晚上躲在家的感觉了 =)


到了晚上,当所有人洗了澡在客厅休息时,我们便搬了床垫和被子什么的出来,大伙儿躲在一起看恐怖片‘STAY ALIVE',我的天儿啊~ 好恐怖哦! 吓死人了啦~ 看完后,那对夫妇钻进房内就寝了,我们四个继续在客厅里看周星驰的‘百变星君’...看着看着,‘老婆’和SC竟然受不了睡着了,也开始打呼了,哈哈,真可爱哟~ =D 既然这套戏这么闷,我们干脆关了它跑去睡了... 我和SC到房里去睡,嘉顺和阿牛在客厅睡,就这样结束了这一天的行程... =)

...Part 3 End...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's Our Cameron 2D1N Trip : PART 2 我们的‘家’ =)

我们的 Apartment :- (刚到达时)

看起来真的很不错吧? =) 好舒服哦...

...Part 2 end...

It's Our Cameron 2D1N Trip : PART 1 启程了!!! =)

On 7th June 2010 (Monday), six of us - Me, Sin Cyin (SC), Chee Wei (CW), Kah Soon (KS), Khai Hoong (KH) & May Kuan (MK) - went to Cameron Highland for our 2-day-1-night trip... Huhu omg =) The trip is so so sssoooo memorable~ 

Oh my goodnesss, I never thought that going to Cameron with friends could be so fun, because all the time I ermm.... Not really like to visit Cameron Highland... Haha, the place is kinda boring for me - no shopping complexes, not much entertainment, etc etc etc - for me, I couldn't stay much longer at a place like that ( Hahaha~ Borrrring... ) BUT BUT BUT... After staying at Tanah Rata for 2D1N, I have totally changed my mind -- Oh my~ Cameron Highland is really a nice place for vacation, you can really experience how amazing is the place - COLOURFUL FLOWERS, GREEN BIG TREES, JUICY FRUITS & VEGETABLES, FRESH AIR, FRIENDLY RESIDENTS - arghhh... Damn nice~ ( For short vacation =D , I still love my birthplace IPOH )

Hmmm... Let me tell you about our trip :-

"On the 7th of June, six of us had to gather at Medan Kit bus station early in the morning as we were going to take a bus at 8am to Cameron Highland. Due to transportation problem, Chee Wei & I went to Tesco Extra and we ( CW, Me, MK & KH ) took Khai Hoong's mum's car to go to the bus station."

Oh goshhh... On the Monday morning, I woke up at 5.45am and I had a chilly bath, oh my, really so soooo cold! Huhu =) 醒神~ After I checked the list of things that I had to bring along for the trip, I went to fetch Chee Wei at Germaine's house ( He looked like he was moving to Cameron... 搬家的样咧~ O.o 左一袋右一袋,前一包后一包,大哥,搬家哦?? ) By 7.05am sharp, Khai Hoong's mum  fetched us at Tesco Extra, we arrived at Medan Kit at 7.40am then. Hmmm... Quite a lot of people were waiting at the bus station on that day morning, ahahh, we were going to take the same bus, Brothers & Sisters... LOL =) Hey, the bus had arrived~ Huhu yeah yeah~ XD Later, Kah Soon & Sin Cyin arrived at the bus station around 7.50am... Then, we started our journey to Tanah Rata, Cameron Highland...

"We finally arrived at Tanah Rata around 10.10am. We were admiring the view around us under bright sunny but windy sky, when a tour coorinator who is also a van driver called Mr. Din came to us and offered us some tour packages and transportation services. After that, we went to a mamak coffee shop called SURIA to have our breakfast before we shopped around the town for food and drinks. We were actually waiting to check-in for the apartment, so we decided to spend our time in he town by doing those stuff."

Arhhhh... We sat in the bus for almost 2 hours along the journey, oh man, 2 HOURS without stopping at Tempat R&R!!! Sobx... My butt... T__T However, the bright sunny sky and the town view was so nice, arhhh, just forget about the pain on my butt... My mood turned so good - happily singing LALALA in my heart - then six of us went to the SURIA near the bus parking lot to have our breakfast. There wasn't much customers in the shop that day except a few Chinese uncles sittting at the corner chit-chatting and drinking hot coffee (or teh tarik, maybe... = = ) We ordered 4 cups of hot milo (each person having a cup of hot milo while the lovely couple KH & MK sharing a cup of hot milo) except the really 'hot-blooded' CW ordered a cup of iced milo... Omg!!! The windy weather was kinda cold for us, but the abnormal CW still had a cold drink in such a weather... Hey Bro, are you really okay? Maybe you should go for a medical checkup - just for BODY TEMPERATURE - LOL, I'm kiding, don't be mad if you read these, hahaha =D Besides that, we ordered different ROTI too, LOL, I mean -- Roti Planta for SC, Roti Telur for me, Roti Cheese for KS & CW, mee goreng and Roti Telur with onion for the sweet couple... See~ Really different types of ROTI wert, hehe =) KS was the one who ate his breakfast in shortest time, goshhh, he was so quick, huhu =P I should say : 'My wife done an amazing job~' LOL, or maybe, he was so so hungry till he can finished the Roti Cheese in such a short time, hahaha~ Hmm... Talking about him, I really really wanna thank him so so ssooo much... My dear 'WIFE' KS was the one who hardly planned this trip with KH, he called and booked the apartment, he bought bus tickets, he bought food and drinks~ (With us) LOL... He was so unhappy and disappointed (a little bit) when some of our friends suddenly decided not to join us in this trip, left 6 person - us taking part in this trip, my godness, I felt so sorry to him because he had planned so hard and put so much effort to organize this Cameron trip... Kah Soon, really thanks to you~ Thank you so so so so much!!! =)

"We walked by a quiet roadside to our apartment which located besides the Heritage Hotel. The owner of the apartment, AUNTIE was so friendly and treated us so well. She asked her maid to clean the apartment and told us so much about Cameron Highland. Finally at 1pm, she left the apartment with her maid."

We followed Auntie's car and walked to our apartment, walking by a quiet road which is kinad steef... The apartment is newly built and located right beside the Heritage Hotel, there weren't much people living there, so the apartment was kinda quiet and the air was so fresh... Arghhh~ Fresh air - nature~ The environment around the apartment was so nice and I felt really comfortable staying at the apartment =) The friendly Auntie asked her maid to clean the apartment, goshhh, really clean!! The apartment was so clean and homely-feel then, it's just like our home, from the furniture, wardrobe, fridge, bed, tv and even the bed sheets, looked so homely... Arghh, I can't forget the 'cheesy' bed sheets, the sheets looked so cute with lots of big yellow cheese printed on it, LOL~ I told SC, we might dream about the cheese if we sleep on the sheets at night, hahaha!! Before we went to Pasar Malam at 3pm, we stayed in the apartment and watched Astro TV shows, LOL, I felt like I was in my home that time... =D Whoa, it's quite nice for me... Hee hee~ XP

... PART 1 END ...